Friday, June 30, 2017

Goods and Services Tax Part I & II in Tamil

Part -I

Part II

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Goods and Services Tax is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination based Tax that will be levied on every value addition.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Geography Through Map Asia by Karpathu IAS

Geography Through Map-ASIA, Simply you can gather information about Asia.

Asia is the World's largest continent - 43,810,582 km². covering approximately 30% of the Earth's land and 8.66% of the Earth's surface.
It is bordered by the Ural Mountains to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Indian Ocean to the south.
The highest point in the World, is Mount Everest (8,848 m), situated in the Tibetan region of the Himalayas.
The longest river in Asia and third longest in the World is the Yangtze (6,211 km) which flows through China.

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Presidential election 2017

Click the blow link For download PDF of Presidential Election of India 2017

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Article 52 states that there shall be a President of India. The executive powers of the Union shall be vested in the President. He, as the head of a state, symbolises the nation. In some democratic systems, the head of the state is also the head of the government and, therefore, he will also be the head of the political executive. The US Presidency represents this form. In Britain, the monarch is the symbolic head, representing the British nation. The powers of the Government are vested in the political office of the Prime Minister. In Indian Parliamentary democracy we have adopted the latter form. The President of India is the first citizen and represents the Indian nation and does not, therefore, belong to any particular political party. He is elected by the representatives of the people through an Electoral College.

Article 54 of the constitution says:

"The President shall be elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of -

(a) The elected members of both Houses of Parliament and

(b) The elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States (including National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Pondicherry vide the Constitution 70th amendment Act, 1992)."

Thus in the election of the President the citizens play no direct part and he is elected indirectly by the representatives or the people, like the American President but no special electoral college is elected, as in the case of America. Another point of difference that may be noted is that the election of the President of India is by the system of proportional representation, by the single transferable vote, as provided by Article 55(3) of the Constitution, while the American President is elected by the straight vote system.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Anti Defection Law

Important Topic from Indian Constitution, Anti-Defection Law.
Must watch till the End

Happy learning and happy sharing. Prepare for PT and Mains 

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

TNPSC -Geography (புவியியல் தமிழில்) Part -I

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Monday, June 19, 2017

15 Things to ease your Goal

இதை பின்பற்றினால் உங்கள் இலட்சியத்தை அடைவது சுலபம்.
ஐஏ எஸ் என்பது எளிது தான் .
முயற்சித்தால் முடியாதது ஒன்றுமில்லை . உங்களாலும் முடியும் .

Saturday, June 17, 2017

வெற்றி நமதே என்று நம்புங்கள்

Success, success.
வெற்றி நிச்சயம்
வெற்றி நமதே.
Don't worry. You're gonna clear the Prelims tomorrow!

Hey there,


Eagerly waiting for prelims ? Nervous ?? Same here.

We at Karpathu IAS want each and everyone from our community to go to Mussoorie and that makes us anxious in the same way as our fellow dailians.

Now coming to tomorrow’s prelims.

Respect the privilege that you’ve got to compete the best minds in country and also the fact that you’re now one amongst them.

Take it easy.

Everything will not always go accordingly as planned.

You will not always have the answer or a firm explanation of why that happened. Just go with flow so you can grow.

Understand that this is a journey. The journey will unfold to you many things.

One step, one thought, one day and one victory at a time.

Noticed we didn’t say failure there. No one expects failure. It just can happen. So don’t be so hard on yourself. Keep on steppin!

Wanna read some story ? Here’s a great one.

I am reminded of a conversation between the oak tree and the reef. During a storm the oak tree was uprooted from the high winds and was washed down the river only to find reefs safe and still in their place. It wondered how it could be uprooted when it was so big and strong. The tree also questioned why the reefs were still in their place respectfully rooted. One of the reefs said, “its simple”. You fought against the storm and we bent with it. We knew how to be flexible.

So take it easy Champion. Go with the flow of a challenge so that you can learn and grow. The storm or challenge will make you stronger. Stay in it to win it. Believe the Champion in You!

Wishing you all the luck in world..

Have a great exam tomorrow!!

P.s.- We’ll be waiting for you after prelims at our YouTube channel. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Must do the revision before the exam

Happy learnings

Revise these topics of current affairs prelims 2017. 
Karpathu IAS 

You may catch 10 to 15 questions...
Best of luck!
International issues
G4 countries- support each other bid for UNSC,G7; G20.SAARC, BIMSTEC, ASEAN, RECP (Regional economic comprehensive partnership) India is a member, Heart of Asia conference, Indus water treaty, permanent court of arbitration, akashvani maître, salma dam n highest civilian award of Afghanistan, Chahabar port, H1B1 visa, NAM, BRICS, Jaipur declaration, Indian ocean rim association, international org for migration; new York deceleration, BBIN, Shanghai corporation org, UNCITRAL, brexit( Lisbon treaty n all), TPP, ASEM (ulanbatar deceleration), Raisina dialogue; Shangri-la-dialogue, kafala system, RIMPAC , international energy agency
Ecology and environment
UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC), Kigali agreement, Montreal protocol (warming potential of all gases n all HFCs), Morocco COP 22, Kyoto protocol, Paris deal, International solar alliance
Global environmental facility, annex 1 n 2 countries, convention on biological diversity
Cartagena protocol, Nagoya protocol, UN convention to combat desertification, Bharat stages
.earth summit n related goals sustainable development, -majuli (1st carbon neutral district), 1st green corridor, air quality index; SAFAR, fly ash utilization policy, Stockholm convention, Asian water bird census
- Kashmir red stag; olive ridley ,deer antlers ;great Indian bustard; hornbill : balsams plant ; gangetic dolphins; seemai karuvelam tree, hangul ;kendrapada sheep;pashmina goat;nilambur teak(GI), wildlife crime control bureau, (Operation Thunderbird), WIFAX(winter fog experiment), GM crop, earth hour, habitat III convention,world largest Marine park, 1st halophyte garden in Tamilnadu, national biodiversity congress, carbfix project
GST bill ( all money n financial bill provisions) , GST council, revenue neutral rate , constitutional(101) amendment bill provision, NABARD_ EXIM _SIDBI_ all apex developmental banks of India, Post Payment banks, IMF n WB groups... WTO (trade facilitation agreement), subsidies issues, key terms like "buy local" regarding solar energy ; "agreement on agriculture"; etc, India's INDC (intended national determined contributions, national action plan for climate change, sagarmala project... Sagar project ...ports of India ...13th new port in Tamilnadu, Masala bonds, green bonds n green banks, National investment n infra fund (NIIF), UPI (unified payment interface) and UBI(universal basic income), diamond quadrilateral and triangle, public debt management cell, NPA ,boarder haats, digishala; digilocker etc, google tax/ equalisation levy, wpi; CPI; IIP, base erosion profit shifting... Tax avoidance , duties like countervailing ; anti dumping; safeguard duty n all, market economy status , monitory policy committee , financial stability n development council, Antrix corporation, National payment corporation of India, central water commission, algorithmic trading, mission 41k, SEZ, Bharat QR code
Science and Technology
All missile export control regimes (4),India is member of only 1 - MTCR(missile technology control regime), G7 formed ...( India since June 2016), Hague code of conduct -for missile proliferation, Asian infrastructure investment bank, national development bank, unique identification authority of India (given statutory status), Antarctic circumpolar expedition , THOR experiment
Important commissions of India .
National commission for -SC –ST, women ,minority, ESB class(new) etc, imp statutory bodies of India in news, NGT, National ganga river basin authority (PM head) being replaced by National ganga council, National board for wildlife(imp due to ken-betwa link issue), National disaster management authority, Bureau of energy efficiency, press council of India, competition council of India, inland waterway authority of India, EPFO n pension fund regulatory authority of India, Telecommunication regulatory authority of India (TRAI), central electricity authority, SEBI, zonal councils, inter-state councils, animal welfare board of India (jallilkatu issue) National Tiger conservation authority (project Tiger), national human right commission, Insolvency n bankruptcy board of India, NALSA( national legal service authority), airport authority of India, national pharmaceutical pricing authority, Central Board of direct taxes... Board for excise n custom, central silk board
Important schemes in news

All the best friends.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Education leads to Nobility

Become an Educator on Karpathu IAS and service to your brother's and sister's.

Thank you all

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Milk Adulteration in Tamilnadu

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Environment Part-2

Click For Pdf file


  Q1. Which of the following is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Venus ✅ Answer: c) Jupiter ...