Sunday, July 15, 2018

RRB to Release Group D Admit Card 2018

                Recently, on July 11, Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) announced the application status of Group D.

Now, the railway board will issue RRB Group D Admit Card 2018 for all the candidates whose application status read, “Your application is provisionally accepted. Keep visiting official website of RRB's for further updates.

The last date to check the application status is July 20, 2018, and it is expected that once the facility to check the status ends, RRB will release the Group D Admit Card 2018. Even in CEN 02/2018 it is mentioned that the admit cards will be issued a week before the examination date. It is expected that Indian Railway will conduct Group D examination in the month of August. Hence, the possibility of admit card release by the end of July 2018 seems more legit.

Download RRB Group D Admit Card 2018 from the official candidates Login.

For each RRB there is a separate candidate login. However, on that same candidate login application, status, admit card, result and other important events of the recruitment will be carried out.

Hence, the admit card of RRB Group D Recruitment 2018 will be issued online only. The candidates will not get it via post, e-mail or any other medium.

In order to download the admit card, the candidates will have to access the candidates login. To do so, the candidates will have "to enter registration number and password". When the candidates will login, they will see tab for admit card at the dashboard and from there, the admit card can be downloaded.

Admit Card as Printout and Do Take Along these DOCUMENTS as well

At the exam hall, the authorities will only grant permission to enter the exam hall if the candidate will carry the admit card as a print copy. 'E-copy of the admit card will not be accepted'. Along with the admit card, the candidates will also have to carry one Photo ID and one coloured photograph. The size of the photo should be 35mm x 45mm and it should be the same as that uploaded in the application form.

A valid Photo ID card can be Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Driving License, Passport, Govt. Employee ID, College or School Photo ID, etc. It is important to note that the ID is to be carried in original. If candidates are not able to produce any of these documents, the permission to enter exam hall will not be granted.

Date for CBT and the Pattern

The computer based test of RRB Group D will be a 90 minutes examination, in which there will be 100 multiple type questions.

These question will be asked from Aptitude, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science, and General Awareness on Current Affairs.

There is cutoff for qualifying the CBT.

It is 40% for General candidates, 30% for Other Backward Class (NCL) candidates, and 30% for SC / ST candidates. Candidates who will score above the cutoff marks will get the call letter to participate in Physical Efficiency Test, followed by Document Verification round.

Friday, July 6, 2018

TNPSC online Exam

like ibps , SSC, RRB ,. TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (TNPSC) step forward to Online platform.
TNPSC தேர்வு online ! அதிர்ச்சி தரும் தகவல்கள்

official website


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