Friday, June 18, 2021

TNPSC Group 2 2021 Exam Date, Admit Card Will Release Soon; Know Syllabus, Exam Pattern and How to Prepare for II, II-A

Tamil Nadu Public Services Commission (TNPSC) is likely to release the Combined Civil Services Group 2 and 2A 2021 examination date soon. 

Admit cards for the same shall be subsequently, once the examination schedule has been announced. Normally, the notification would have released by now. However, the coronavirus pandemic may have caused a delay in the release of the official notification. The examination date and admit cards shall be released on the official website

Syllabus of the preliminary exam shall contain objective-type questions covering a total of 10 units. These include –

# General Science

# Current Events

# Geography of India Geography Full

# History and Culture of India History

# Indian Polity

# Indian Economy

# Indian National Movement

# History, Culture, Heritage and Socio – Political Movements in Tamil Nadu 


# Development Administration in Tamil Nadu

# Aptitude and Mental Ability

Syllabus for the main exam is different and candidates are advised to check the same from official website, once the preliminary exam is over.

Paper Pattern: The Combined Civil Services Group 2 and 2A 2021 preliminary examination shall comprise of two sections – General Studies and, Aptitude and Mental Ability. 

The first section shall contain 175 questions while the second section shall have 25 questions. 

Thus, a total of 200 questions shall be asked in the exam for a maximum of 300 marks. 

Candidates will get a duration of 3 hours or 180 minutes to complete the examination.

To qualify for the preliminary exam, aspirants must score a minimum of 90 marks. Selection Based on Cutoff Marks

# Refer textbooks TNSCERT

Tamil Nadu State Board textbooks are the most useful study material to prepare for the examination. 

The subjects to prepare for this exam include Social Science (Class 6 to 12), 

Science (Class 6-10, Class 11 and 12 Zoology and Botany subjects), Science

Indian Polity (Class 11 and 12 of Political Science), Indian Polity Full

Indian Economy (Class 11 and 12, Economics),Indian Economy

Newspapers like ‘The Hindu’, ‘Dinamani’ and ‘Tamil thisai’ are highly recommended.

Study Plan Study Timetable

Practice makes you Perfect

Candidates can solve the Combined Civil Services Group 2 and 2A previous-year papers. 

This is to get a clear idea of the kind of questions which are asked in the paper. 

Material Follow out Telegram Channel/Group

Solving old papers along with mock exams are always a good way of getting the hang of the preliminary examination.

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Monday, June 7, 2021


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