Monday, August 28, 2017

Target UPSC 2018

Follow these things to keep in mind for people who are all going to attempt UPSC 2018
 Target UPSC

commit and deliver 100% - No compromise here
stick to minimum resources and revise it again and again
- have "The Right Guru" to sail you through this journey - Good luck for all those who think they can do it by themselves.
- leave all ego issues: whether to join coaching or not
- control extreme thoughts
- stay calm, composed and relaxed all time! - It's a pretty long journey
- don't listen to too many people - they will spoil
- take one week time and decide the optional - once your decided there should be no turning back: whatsoever it be
- read the news paper or watch the news to stay abreast of all the recent developments.
- Preparing for UPSC completely using online is a complete hoax, Online is always like a complimentary thing in your preparation. Please engage with your guru's or your guide face to face. Don't waste your money buying some online program

That's it

If you do follow the above steps 100% you will definitely clear this exam! Even if it is 99.9 percent you won't clear it!

 So to know how your doing 100% is through tests and evaluations. Every-time you write prelims test series or mains answers - make sure your improving for every single test or answer!

Rules are simple - we should leave all our ego's and give it the respect this exam deserves.

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