Monday, August 28, 2017

Target UPSC 2018

Follow these things to keep in mind for people who are all going to attempt UPSC 2018
 Target UPSC

commit and deliver 100% - No compromise here
stick to minimum resources and revise it again and again
- have "The Right Guru" to sail you through this journey - Good luck for all those who think they can do it by themselves.
- leave all ego issues: whether to join coaching or not
- control extreme thoughts
- stay calm, composed and relaxed all time! - It's a pretty long journey
- don't listen to too many people - they will spoil
- take one week time and decide the optional - once your decided there should be no turning back: whatsoever it be
- read the news paper or watch the news to stay abreast of all the recent developments.
- Preparing for UPSC completely using online is a complete hoax, Online is always like a complimentary thing in your preparation. Please engage with your guru's or your guide face to face. Don't waste your money buying some online program

That's it

If you do follow the above steps 100% you will definitely clear this exam! Even if it is 99.9 percent you won't clear it!

 So to know how your doing 100% is through tests and evaluations. Every-time you write prelims test series or mains answers - make sure your improving for every single test or answer!

Rules are simple - we should leave all our ego's and give it the respect this exam deserves.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

RBI Introduces 200 Denomination Banknote

The Reserve Bank of India will issue on August 25, 2017 ₹ 200 denomination banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series, bearing signature of Dr. Urjit R. Patel, Governor, Reserve Bank of India from select RBI offices, and some banks. The new denomination has Motif of Sanchi Stupa on the reverse, depicting the country’s cultural heritage. The base colour of the note is Bright Yellow. The note has other designs, geometric patterns aligning with the overall colour scheme, both at the obverse and reverse.
Courtesy -RBI

The image and salient features of Rs.200 denomination banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series are as under:

Obverse (Front)

1. See through register with denominational numeral 200

2. Latent image with denominational numeral 200

3. Denominational numeral २०० in Devnagari

4. Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi at the centre

5. Micro letters ‘RBI’, ‘भारत’, ‘India’ and ‘200’

6. Windowed security thread with inscriptions ‘भारत’ and RBI with colour shift. Colour of the thread changes from green to blue when the note is tilted

7. Guarantee Clause, Governor’s signature with Promise Clause and RBI emblem towards right of Mahatma Gandhi portrait

8. Denominational numeral with Rupee Symbol, ₹ 200 in colour changing ink (green to blue) on bottom right

9. Ashoka Pillar emblem on the right

10. Mahatma Gandhi portrait and electrotype (200) watermarks

11. Number panel with numerals growing from small to big on the top left side and bottom right side

12. For visually impaired
Intaglio or raised printing of Mahatma Gandhi portrait, Ashoka Pillar emblem, raised Identification mark H with micro-text ₹ 200, four angular bleed lines with two circles in between the lines both on the right and left sides

Reverse (Back)

13. Year of printing of the note on the left

14. Swachh Bharat logo with slogan

15. Language panel

16. Motif of Sanchi Stupa

17. Denominational numeral २०० in Devnagari


18. Dimension of the banknote will be 66 mm × 146 mm

Supreme Court's judgment on Right to Privacy

In a landmark decision that will affect the lives of all Indians, the Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously declared that individual privacy is a "guaranteed fundamental right".

◆The verdict by a nine-judge Constitution bench could now test the validity of Aadhaar, the controversial biometric identification project the government has been pushing but critics have opposed as intrusive. (LIVE updates)

◆The judgment may also have a bearing on broader civil rights as well as a law criminalising homosexuality. A ban imposed on the consumption of beef in many states and alcohol in some could also come up for review.

◆Issuing the ruling, the bench said right to privacy was at par with right to life and liberty, and that the verdict will protect citizens' personal freedom from intrusions by the state.

The bench, headed by chief justice JS Khehar, comprises justices J Chelameswar, SA Bobde, RK Agrawal, RF Nariman, AM Sapre, DY Chandrachud, SK Kaul and S Abdul Nazeer.

★Key conclusions from the judgment:

1. Life and personal liberty are inalienable rights. These are rights which are inseparable from a dignified human existence. The dignity of the individual, equality between human beings and the quest for liberty are the foundational pillars of the Indian Constitution;

2. Judicial recognition of the existence of a constitutional right of privacy is not an exercise in the nature of amending the Constitution nor is the Court embarking on a constitutional function of that nature which is entrusted to Parliament;

3. Privacy includes at its core the preservation of personal intimacies, the sanctity of family life, marriage, procreation, the home and sexual orientation. Privacy also connotes a right to be left alone.

4. Personal choices governing a way of life are intrinsic to privacy.

5. ...privacy is not lost or surrendered merely because the individual is in a public place. Privacy attaches to the person since it is an essential facet of the dignity of the human being;

6. Technological change has given rise to concerns which were not present seven decades ago and the rapid growth of technology may render obsolescent many notions of the present. Hence the interpretation of the Constitution must be resilient and flexible to allow future generations to adapt its content bearing in mind its basic or essential features;

7. Like other rights which form part of the fundamental freedoms protected by Part III, including the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21, privacy is not an absolute right. A law which encroaches upon privacy will have to withstand the touchstone of permissible restrictions on fundamental rights.

8. Privacy has both positive and negative content. The negative content restrains the state from committing an intrusion upon the life and personal liberty of a citizen. Its positive content imposes an obligation on the state to take all necessary measures to protect the privacy of the individual.

9. The right of privacy is a fundamental right. It is a right which protects the inner sphere of the individual from interference from both State, and non-State actors and allows the individuals to make autonomous life choices.

10.The privacy of the home must protect the family, marriage, procreation and sexual orientation which are all important aspects of dignity.

11.In a country like ours which prides itself on its diversity, privacy is one of the most important rights to be protected both against State and non-State actors and be recognized as a fundamental right.

12.Right of privacy cannot be denied, even if there is a miniscule fraction of the population which is affected. The majoritarian concept does not apply to Constitutional rights...

13.Let the right of privacy, an inherent right, be unequivocally a fundamental right embedded in part-III of the Constitution of India, but subject to the restrictions specified, relatable to that part. This is the call of today. The old order changeth yielding place to new.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

New Cadre Policy For IAS, IPS Officers

A new policy for cadre allocation has been finalized by the Central government for IAS, IPS and other officers, aimed at ensuring "national integration" in the country's top bureaucracy.

 CADRE For All India Services
CADRE for All India Services 

Officers of all-India services -- the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service (IFoS) -- will have to choose cadres from a set of zones instead of states.

The officers of the three services are currently allocated a cadre state or a set of states to work in.

They may be posted on central deputation during the course of their service after fulfilling certain eligibility conditions.

The existing 26 cadres have been divided into five zones in the new policy proposed by the personnel ministry.

Zone-I has seven cadres -- AGMUT (also known as Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territories), Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana.

Zone-II consists of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha, while Zone-III comprises Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura and Nagaland will constitute Zone-IV, while Zone-V will have Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

The new policy will seek to ensure that officers from Bihar, for instance, will get to work in southern and north-eastern states, which may not be their preferred cadres, a personnel ministry official said.

"This policy will ensure national integration of the bureaucracy as officers will get a chance to work in a state which is not their place of domicile," the official said.

He said the new policy would help in upholding the rationale behind the all-India services.

"All-India service officers are supposed to have varied experiences which can be earned when they work in a different state, which is new to them. The officers may not be able to experiment new things if they work in their own domicile state," the official said.

Under the new policy, candidates appearing for the civil services examination-- conducted annually by the Union Public Service Commission -- will have to first give their choices in a descending order of preference from among the various zones.

"Thereafter the candidates will indicate cadres in order of preference from each zone," it said. A candidate can list all 26 cadres, following this process.

The preference for the zones will remain in the same order and no change will be permitted there, the policy said.

"If a candidate does not give any preference for any of the zones/cadres, it will be presumed that he has no specific preference for those zones/cadres," it said.

If candidates are not allocated any one of the cadres for which they have indicated a preference, they shall be allotted along with other candidates any of the remaining cadres, arranged in an alphabetical order, where there are vacancies, the policy said.

Candidates will be allotted their home cadre on the basis of merit, preference and vacancy in the category, it said. The official said while the policy had been finalized, it had not been decided when it would be put into effect.

OBC Creamy Layers

Creamy Layers(OBC's) annual income has been increased from 6 lakh rupees to 8 lakh rupees.
 OBC Creamy Layer

மத்திய அரசு தேர்வுகளில் OBC(Other Backward Classes) என்பது இரண்டு வகை creamy layer,non-creamy layer இதில் OBC க்கான  சலுகை non-creamy layer வகுப்பை சார்ந்தவர்க்கு மட்டுமே உண்டு '
அதாவது பெற்றோரின் ஆண்டு வருமானத்தை பொறுத்து அமையும், பெற்றோரின் ஆண்டு வருமானம் 8 லட்சத்திற்கு மேல் இருந்தால் creamy layer வகுப்பில் வருவர் அவர்களுக்கு எந்த சலுகையும் கிடையாது ..அதாவது அவர்கள் பொது பிரிவில் (general category) வந்து விடுவர்.. பெற்றோரின் ஆண்டு வருமானம்   8 லட்சத்திற்கு குறைவாக இருந்தால் non-creamy layer பிரிவில் வருவர் .இவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே  OBC சலுகை கிடைக்கும்

இதில் UPSC நடத்தும் IAS, IPS, IFS.. போன்ற பதவிக்கான சிவில் சர்வீஸ் தேர்வினை  non-creamy layer மட்டுமே 9 முறை 35 வயது வரை எழுதலாம்
அதுவே  creamy layer யாக இருந்தால்,அதாவது  பெற்றோரின்  ஆண்டு வருமானம்  8 லட்சத்திற்கு மேல் இருந்தால் 6 முறை 32 வயது வரை மட்டுமே தேர்வு எழுத முடியும்

முன்பு பெற்றோரின் ஆண்டு வருமானம்  6 லட்சம் என்பதை 8 லட்சமாக  உயர்த்தி உள்ளார்கள்.

Friday, August 18, 2017

SSC Exmanaion and Syllabus

Staff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level Examination, often referred to as SSC CGL is an examination conducted to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organisations of the Government of India. It is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for selecting staff for various Group B and Group C posts.

Check out this link for all SSC Exmanation and its syllabus


  Q1. Which of the following is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Venus ✅ Answer: c) Jupiter ...